Metpro and Pro Carrier Case Study

by Robin Turner

We speak to Metpro and ask how Pro Carrier have been part of the growth that Metpro have seen, in particular over the last five years.

See why Metpro trust Pro Carrier with their Freight shipments

See why Metpro trust Pro Carrier with their Freight shipments

A lucky chance meeting…

Find out why Metpro have trusted Pro Carrier to handle their freight shipments for over ten years, and how they have benefited from our transparent, easy-to-use and reliable freight service. After a chance meeting between Metpro’s previous owner and our very own Head of Sales in China, Pro Carrier was given the opportunity to showcase our streamlined freight forwarding solutions, and ten years later our relationship continues to grow.

“It’s just gone from strength to strength to strength!”

The Company’s background

Metpro cover a wide variety of products across the mechanical and electrical industry – distributing to big name electrical wholesalers across the UK. Metpro distribute from their main facility as well as their additional local hub to handle all of their linear products such as conduit tubing, threaded rods and more. Metpro’s Purchasing Manager, Andrew Scobbie, has been with the company for around two and a half years, dealing with the purchasing side of the business alongside QA/QC and vendor/product development. Working with Pro Carrier, Metpro use our sea freight service in order import goods from their manufacturers out in the Far East.

The main issue

“There was a lot of unreliability”

When Andrew first started at Metpro he was plunged into a sea of different freight forwarders all being used for various types of shipments, working non-cohesively “on a transactional style relationship, which is not what Metpro is built on.” Andrew mentioned that continuing to work with all of these forwarders lead to a lot of unreliability, as well as facing inconsistencies when getting shipments scheduled and failing to deliver on promises. Overall, Andrew felt that there was a “complete lack of transparency.”

The solution we provided

“The service level is fantastic”

After consolidating the multiple existing freight forwarders, Pro Carrier has continued to impress with high levels of service excellence and transparency that Metpro had not experienced with other forwarders.

“One thing I have really appreciated with Pro Carrier, is the level of transparency and full confidence that if I am given a booking or schedule it will be handled every time”

Having a reliable service, that is backed by prompt customer service is something that Metpro have benefited from. “If anything changes, I am the first to know and it comes straight from Pro Carrier.”

“It’s so reassuring, especially at a point in time where the market is in a state of turmoil”


“Its great information to have right there first thing”

Andrew told us that his team use our all-in-one portal, Horizon, on a daily basis. With Horizon the team can track shipments, container arrivals, check schedules and stay updated with any delays or news.

Pro Carrier’s Customer Service

“Pro Carrier are up there in terms of account management, they’re always there at the other end of the phone”

Andrew noted that Pro Carrier’s prompt replies, email responses and complete transparency are some of the most important things to him. He also noted that having “complete transparency whether its good news or bad news” is integral and shows how Pro Carrier makes their clients feel “really well looked after.”

In Short...

To summarise his experience with Pro Carrier, Andrew said, “What I love is the strong core level of understanding… Pro Carrier want to understand about the ins and outs of your supply chain.”

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